Moon Phases

New Moon

New Moon

In astronomy, the new moon is the first lunar phase, when the Moon and Sun have the same ecliptic longitude.The new moon is the phase that is invisible to us here on Earth because the moon is between the earth and the sun, and its illuminated side is facing away from us. The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle..




Crescent Moon

Crescent Moon

In modern astronomy, the Waxing Crescent Moon starts as the Moon becomes visible again after the New Moon conjunction, when the Sun and Earth were on opposite sides of the Moon, making it impossible to see the Moon from Earth.Waxing means that it is growing, while crescent refers to the curved shape similar to a banana or a boat.
With some variations, the Waxing Crescent Moon rises in the daytime before noon and becomes visible in the day sky. It gets more visible around sunset but normally sets before midnight.



Third phase of Moon

The next phase of the lunar cycle is the first quarter. During this phase happens when you can see half of the moon that is illuminated. The name “first quarter” comes from the fact that at this stage the lunar cycle is 1/4 of the way completed. Not everyone will see the same halves of the moon lit up during this phase, primarily because it depends on your location. So, some people may see the right half illuminated while others might see the left half illuminated.





Full Moon

Full Moon

Full moon energy can be good for you only if you use it right. It can increase the level of your positive energy, but it can also stir your emotions …

The Full Moon brings an enormous amount of energy and therefore it’s better for you to stay calm. Otherwise, it won’t have a positive effect on you.

Everything that happens in your body, mind and spirit will be enhanced during the full moon. If you are a little mad, you will get even madder. If you are happy, you will be happier. This energy is very strong and you need to give it the right directions.

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